Thursday 17 October 2013

Personal Development Life Coach

Why I do what I do

I wrote my Inside Out - 7 week program in 2012 and launched it in January 2013. It is based on my own personal lifestyle, sharing simple yet powerful techniques and tasks I use to enhance my energy. It was created by chance, mainly due to requests from my clients who wanted to know my secret to having peaceful energy. Realising it was my lifestyle, I embarked upon an energetic journey of awareness and looking at my habits.

And so it began...

The program is based on and journeys through the 7 main chakras, each week exploring and enhancing the established relationship within each chakra.

Week 1 - Abundance
Week 2 - Beauty
Week 3 - Strength
Week 4 - Love
Week 5 - Truth
Week 6 - Intuition
Week 7 - Peace

Embracing your full potential, heightening your awareness and creating fantastic energy, is my personal mantra, and so Inside Outʼs mantra too.

Having guided many groups through this program and other individuals on a one to one basis, I embrace opportunities to work with businesses. Stress levels can make any work environment a toxic place to be, affecting staff morale and productivity.

As our work is an extension of who we are, looking after ourselves is the most important act we can do. Without good health and wellbeing, what do we have?

I recently received an email from a business I was working with some time ago. Its fills me with gratitude and reminds me why I choose this profession. Thank you Catharine. This is what they had to say about the course:

"We’ve recently embarked on an energy course called ‘Inside Out’ with Natalie Alexander, visiting and focusing on our different energy centres, in order to improve the flow of our business. Through heightened awareness we’ve discovered areas where we can improve and do more, unraveled these and had a good crack at solving the source issue. We’ve improved communication by being acutely aware of how we show up to each other, to our clients and to our suppliers. We’ve learnt about ourselves and we’ve learnt about one another, coming together to revisit our priorities and realign our energy."

I do what I do because I feel it in my heart and love to add positive energy into lifestyles. I think out of the box to create new material that helps those who are not mainstream and crave simplicity.

I endorse individuality and am an ambassador of authenticity - just be you, youʼre perfect at it. And I love working with people, showing them life can be beautiful - even in the work place!

ʻBe responsible for the energy you createʼ

Looking to change your work environment, lifestyle or yourself?


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